
It is forbidden to​:
- 1. Steal from other players inside the tradezone.
- 2. To get in, loot or drive other player’s vehicle inside the tradezone.
- 3. In the red circle at Traders pvp is not allowed.

There is a parking lot next to stary trader. Over there, players can keep their vehicle. It is not allowed to destroy, steal or loot them. It is not forbidden to leave you vehicle inside traderzone, however, the server will teleport it outside the traderzone in 2000m distance randomly, after every restart. Keep that in mind.

- 1. Combat logging is ​strictly forbidden!​ Either you are in a pvp or pve situation, if you leave the game ( doesn’t matter if the little gun on your status bar is green) it’s a Combat log and there will be consequences.
- 2. Campin’ the roads to trader (1.5km from trader) is ​strictly forbidden​.
- 3. Runnin away from pvp to the traderzone is also ​strictly forbidden​.
Have some balls guys..

- 1. In 1000 m distance from either trader ​it is forbidden​ to build a base. The same thing applies for the military bases, and any other heavy military loot places.
- 2. On main roads, or on roads leading to traderzone base building is ​not allowed anywhere near to them.
- 3. It is ​strictly forbidden​ to build a so called flyin’ base. The height of a base is restricted to 5 levels. This rule applies to silos, towers, castles etc (basically high buildings) to be restricted to only 2 levels.

If you have question about your base, contact an admin, so we can help you! BASES THAT ARE AGAINST THESE RULES WILL BE DELETED WITHOUT FURTHER QUESTION!

- 1. Duping, glitching or any kind of hack or cheat abuse is ​strictly forbidden.
- 2. Swearing is n​ot forbidden.​ We know that in pvp situation it just comes out, but do not make it more than necessary.
- 3. Bullying other, swearing to other or hurting other players personality in any kind of way is strictly forbidden​, and will result in immediate ​BAN​!
- 4. Arguing with admins is​ forbidden.​ If the admin has made a decision in a case, that’s how it’s gonna be. No second thoughts and never argue with them.
- 5. Please note that the Admin Teams also have a private life. We are running the server in our free time and we are not always online.
- 6. If you have a problem, first try to find an admin online in th game, or on TS3. If the are no admins online the use the facebook page to contact us. But don’t reach out for us on our private facebook profiles.
- 7. Players can’t get any item refund by admins in any cases.
- 8. It is not forbidden to use m2, m134 etc.

However if you blow up the bases on the server, don’t be surprised if i get to your tail, with a godmoded Ka60. Its not admin abuse. This a consequence!

Breaking the rules, first will result warning, then TempBann and finally PERMANENT BANN.

Don’t Forget: We see everything!

Have a good time! :)

Afterlife Hungary
· Online vendégek: 1

· Online tagok: 0

· Regisztráltak: 27
· Legújabb tag: Speedy


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